Parenting Resources

Parental Involvement is Essential

Lady Bird Johnson quote

Laurens County School District #55 (LCSD 55) believes that parental involvement is an essential part of student success.  The district is committed to providing information and assistance to parents as we partner in the journey of education.  

Should you have specific needs or questions, please contact:

Mrs. Lynne Todd, PCI Certified Parenting Coach 

District Parenting Coordinator

District Office Main Number Phone: 864-984-3568

Mrs. Todd's Direct Number Phone: 864-681-3648

According to the National Education Association, “Ongoing research shows that family engagement in school improves student achievement, reduces absenteeism, and restores parents’ confidence in their children’s education. Students with involved parents or other caregivers earn higher grades and test scores, have better social skills, and show improved behavior.”, July 20, 2018


Providing Home Support 

The parenting program offers home support in a variety of ways including the following: 

  • Hotspots, chargers, and Chromebook assistance 

  • Family Promise of Laurens County families - assistance in goal setting for children and, printed parenting information, transportation to/from school

  • Communication with parents of early childhood students - promoting development (language, intellectual, social-emotional, and gross and fine motor skills) within the home

  • Family Connection support - free materials and tools to families and schools

  • Behavior Tools training for parents

  • Communication with parents of teens - assistance in goal setting, preparation for Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) 

ADHD and Discipline 

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) sometimes make the wrong choices regarding their own behavior. Parents of these children could often use some parenting tips in order to effectively discipline (teach) misbehaviors. Ignoring, nagging, and yelling is not effective.   Firm and compassionate strategies are better suited to use with an ADHD child in order to teach appropriate behaviors. If you could use some tips for disciplining an ADHD child, check out the strategies located via this link.    

Parenting through Virtual Learning 

Many parents who are working from home or the office may be trying to manage multiple work schedules as well as their child’s online school expectation. It is a lot!  First and foremost, parents should take care of themselves.  They should get rid of the energy drainers as well as some expectations of normalcy to accommodate this new temporary reality.

Parents must find the time to support their own mental well-being and focus on staying healthy - - mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Otherwise, it can impact their health as well as their child’s.

It is very important for parents to continue a routine with their child, even if they are learning virtually from home.  Maintaining basic daily routines as much as possible will help offset unwanted emotions and behaviors.

Parents should set daily expectations with their child and make sure he/she understands the specifics of the expectations.  Whether the child is engaged in virtual learning or is having trouble attending virtual learning, parents should let the child know what they will EARN or NOT EARN, when they can earn it, and for how long for completing their work.  It is also important that parents reinforce good behavior attempts. 

For example: If a child loves free iPad time, then one option would be to let him/her EARN the iPad for engagement in virtual learning during the school day.  Cell phones are usually a motivator for older children, so that may be an EARN for them. 

Lastly, providing plenty of opportunities for  activities such as outside games or sports will release energy and help in many ways.  A child's brain is continuing to grow until around age 25; therefore, activities will facilitate in the healthy growth. Giving  a child experiences, whether it is a family field trip outside the home or virtually,  is beneficial as well.  Inside games, reading books, working puzzles, and on-line lesson websites also help to break up the monotony of the day.

Lynne Todd, LCSD 55 Parent Coordinator