Operations & Maintenance
Protecting our Investments
The LCSD 55 Maintenance Department provides service to ten school campuses, the administrative office, and the Joe R. Adair Outdoor Education Center. The department strives to provide efficient and timely service focused on ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for teaching and learning.
Much More than Repairs
Occupant safety is top priority in LCSD 55. Proper maintenance of school facilities and campuses is a large part of providing a safe and healthy environment for students, teachers, staff, parents, and others who visit a campus or enter a building.
Proper maintenance is necessary in order to protect the district's capital investments. This includes preventive maintenance, repairs, installation of new equipment, and special projects.
There are often challenges in maintaining the district's aging buildings. This must be done at a level that enables teachers to meet the needs of their students. We are constantly seeking ways to make aged facilities support contemporary instructional practices and requirements.
School district facilities must meet regulations, adhere to laws, and abide by environmental stipulations. Staff members are cognizant of this and work to ensure compliance.
Surplus Property
Per proviso 1.94 (SDE: Surplus Property), "school districts must publish on their websites by September 15, 2023, a list of properties that qualify under this proviso."
At this time, Laurens County School District 55 does not have any properties that qualify under this proviso.